
What we offer

You can create your own song with Songs 4 You in two simple ways. Please choose the type that will best work for you

Song from a Template

You can select Template Song from the list of MP3 Songs and
then Recording Artist. Morbi porttitor pharetra quam. In libero. Nullam lacus sem, lobortis at, elementum ut, accumsan nec, purus.

There is possibility to Record the Vocals yourself if you wish. You can dedicating the song to your friend or whoever you wish!

Create Template Song

Bespoke Song

You can select Song Style and then Recording Artist. Cras augue nisl, posuere eget, placerat eget, bibendum in, magna. Nam sem. Duis ac purus non nunc convallis vulputate.

There is possibility to Record the Vocals yourself if you wish. You can dedicating the song to your friend or whoever you wish!

Create Template Song

What do I get?

Pellentesque laoreet molestie est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed et eros. Phasellus fringilla. Aenean sed pede in lorem sollicitudin pharetra. Sed erat arcu, laoreet facilisis, cursus a, pharetra vel, elit. Vivamus ullamcorper ante et arcu. Nulla commodo turpis vel velit. Maecenas vulputate, arcu eget vulputate porttitor.